本次发布中,有些图片使用WebP格式储存。WebP是一种比起JPEG更为先进的格式,表现为可以用更小的体积,达到更高的还原度。 Windows XP SP3或者更高版本下,WebP可以通过Google的官方的小插件,实现自带图片浏览器与略缩图的原生支持。请下载 http://pan.baidu.com/s/1mi9zGMk 中 WebpCodecSetup.exe 并安装。(备用链接:https://vcb-s.github.io/attach/WebpCodecSetup.7z) 如果你有Chrome浏览器,也可以直接用Chrome浏览器打开图像。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some of the pictures in this release are encoded in WebP format, which is a more advanced format than the traditional JPEG. It offers better quality with reduced file-size. In Windows XP SP3 or later versions, you only need to install a small plugin provided by Google to view it as conveniently as before: https://storage.googleapis.com/downloads.webmproject.org/releases/webp/WebpCodecSetup.exe The auto-creation of thumbnails is also supported upon installation. Should you have the Google Chrome browser installed, you may also directly open them with Chrome.